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Mehrdad Yaghoobi مهرداد یعقوبی ContactRoom 1.15c, AGB, |
I am a researcher in the field of sensor signal processing and big data inverse problems. I am currently a research fellow (Post Doc.) in the Institute for Digital Communications (IDCom), University of Edinburgh. My current research is funded by the EPSRC Grant, titled “Signal Processing for Networked Battlespace”. I was previously supported by the EPSRC platform garnt on “Sensor Signal Processing” and EU RC through the “Sparse Models, Algorithms, and Learning for Large-scale data”, SMALL, project.
I am mainly interested in the efficient optimisation algorithms and model based signal processing. Particularly, I am working on data and problem-adaptive inverse problem algorithms. I am also interested in the low computational algorithms for mobile platforms.
Research Interests
Compressed Sensing Theory and Algorithms
Large Scale Sparse Approximations and Compressed Sensing
Data-Adaptive Computation
Dictionary Learning for Sparse Approximation/Representation
Cosparse Signal Model
Theoretical Analysis of Dictionary Learning
I collaborate with the following researchers:
Prof. Mike Davies from the University of Edinburgh
Dr. Remi Gribonval from INRIA, Rennes
Prof. Laurent Daudet from University Paris Diderot - Paris 7
Dr. Shaun Kelly from the University of Edinburgh
Di Wu from the University of Edinburgh
Dr. Sangnam Nam from INRIA, Rennes
Dr. Thomas Blumensath from the University of Southampton
Google Scholar List
[L] Fast Non-Negative Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, with D. Wu, M. Davies. [Submitted, Matlab Code]
Journal Papers
[J] Dictionary Subselection Using an Overcomplete Joint Sparsity Model, with L. Daudet, M. Davies, IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp 4547-4556, 2014. [Full paper]
[J] Autofocus Techniques for Under-sampled Synthetic Aperture Radar , with S. Kelly, M. Davies, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, April, 2014. [Full paper]
[J] Constrained Overcomplete Analysis Operator Learning for Cosparse Signal Modelling , with S. Nam, R. Gribonval, M. Davies, IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing, Vol. 61, No. 9, pp 2341-2355, 2013. [Full paper , Matlab Code]
[J] Parametric Dictionary Design for Sparse Coding , with L. Daudet, M. Davies, IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing, Vol. 57, No. 12, pp 4800-4810, 2009. [Full paper , Matlab Code]
[J] Dictionary Learning for Sparse Approximations with the Majorization Method , with T. Blumensath, M. Davies, IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing, Vol. 57, No. 6, pp 2178-2191, 2009. [Full paper, Matlab Code, SMALLbox]
Conference Papers
[C] An Efficient Implementation of the Low-Complexity Multi-Coset Sub-Nyquist Wideband Radar Electronic Surveillance, with B. Mulgrew and M. E. Davies, Sensor Signal Processing for Defence (SSPD), Edinburgh, September 2014. [Full Paper, Slides]
[C] A Sparse Regularized Model for Raman Spectral Analysis, with D. Wu, S. Kelly, M. E. Davies and R. Clewes, Sensor Signal Processing for Defence (SSPD), Edinburgh, September 2014. [Full Paper, Slides]
[C] A Computationally Efficient Multi-coset Wideband Radar ESM Receiver, with M. E. Davies, NATO Specialist Meeting on Compressed Sensing, Tallinn, Estonia, May 2014. [Extended Abstract, Slides ]
[C] A Low-complexity Sub-Nyquist Sampling System for Wideband Radar ESM Receivers , with M. Lexa, F. Millioz and M. E. Davies, IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Florance, Italy, May 2014. [Full paper, Poster ]
[C] Super-resolution sparse projected capacitive multitouch sensing , with S. McLaughlin and M. E. Davies, Intelligent Signal Processing (ISP) Conference, London, December 2013. [Full paper, Slides ]
[C] Relaxed Analysis Operator Learning , with M. E. Davies, NIPS, Workshop on Analysis Operator Learning vs. Dictionary Learning: Fraternal Twins in Sparse Modeling, December 2012. [Full paper, Poster ]
[C] Auto-focus for Under-sampled Synthetic Aperture Radar , with S. Kelly, M. E. Davies, Sensor Signal Processing for Defence (SSPD), September 2012. [Full paper ]
[C] Auto-focus for compressively sampled SAR , with S. Kelly, M. E. Davies, International Workshop on Compressed Sensing applied to Radar, CoSeRa 2012. [Full paper ]
[C] Noise Aware Analysis Operator Learning for Approximately Cosparse Signals , with S. Nam, R. Gribonval, M. Davies, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2012 (invited Paper). [Full paper, Matlab Code]
[C] Analysis Operator Learning for Overcomplete Cosparse Representations , with S. Nam, R. Gribonval, M. Davies, European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), August, 2011. (invited paper) [Full paper, Slides, Matlab Code]
[C] Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representations: A Pareto Curve Root Finding Approach , with M. Davies, Ninth International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation LVA/ICA September, pp 410-417, 2010. [Full paper, Slides]
[C] Structured and Incoherent Parametric Dictionary Design , with L. Daudet, M. Davies, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 5486-5489, March 2010 (invited Paper). [Full paper, Slides]
[C] Compressible Dictionary Learning for Fast Sparse Approximation , with M. Davies, IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, pp. 662-665, Aug. 31- Sep. 3, 2009. [Full paper, Slides, Poster]
[C] Parsimonious Dictionary Learning , with T. Blumensath, M. Davies, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing,pp. 2869-2872, April 2009. [Full paper, Slides]
[C] Parametric Dictionary Design for Sparse Coding , with L. Daudet, M. Davies, Workshop on Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations (SPARS09), 2009.[Full paper, Slides]
[C] Regularized Dictionary Learning for Sparse Approximation, with T. Blumensath, M. Davies, European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), August 2008. [Full paper, Slides]
[C] Iterative Hard Thresholding and Regularisation, with T. Blumensath, M. Davies, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 877-880, April 2007. [Full paper]
[C] Quantized Sparse Approximation with Iterative Thresholding for Audio Coding, with T. Blumensath, M. Davies, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 257–260, April 2007. [Full paper]
[W] Non-Negative Orthogonal Matching Pursuit , International Biomedical and Astronomical Signal Processing (BASP) Frontiers workshop, January 2015. [Abstract]
[W] Large but Rank-Deficient Analysis Operator Learning , Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations workshop (SPARS13), Lausanne, 2013. [Abstract, Poster]
[W] Overcomplete Joint Sparsity Model for Dictionary Selection , International Biomedical and Astronomical Signal Processing (BASP) Frontiers workshop, January 2013. [Poster]
[W] Cosparse Low-Dimensional Signal Modelling, Workshop on Sparse Reprentations, Compressed Sensing and Applications, London, November 2012 (invited talk). [Slides]
[W] Constrained Overcomplete Analysis Operator Learning for Cosparse Signal Modelling ,IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation, September 2012 (invited talk). [Slides]
[W] Cosparsifying Overcomplete Analysis Operator Learning, Workshop on Sparsity, Localization and Dictionary Learning, Queen Mary University of London, June 2012 . [Posters]
[W] Analysis Operator Learning for Overcomplete Cosparse Representations, Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations workshop (SPARS11), Edinburgh, 2011. [Slides]
[W] Structured and Incoherent Parametric Dictionary Design, INSPIRE Conference on information representation and estimation, Imperial College London, September 2009. [Slides]
[W] Compressible Dictionary Learning for Fast Sparse Approximation, INSPIRE Sparsity Workshop, Robinson College, University of Cambridge, December 14-15, 2008. [Poster]
Other reports
[TR] Adaptive sparse coding and dictionary selection, PhD. thesis, the University of Edinburgh, January 2010. [Thesis]
[TR] Fast and Scalable: A Survey on Sparse Approximation Methods, technical report, the University of Edinburgh, December 2009. [Full report]
For more information, please read my CV .
This page is my personal webpage. My formal webpage is here.
Last update: 6/11/2014.