Mehrdad Yaghoobi

Mehrdad Yaghoobi 

Mehrdad Yaghoobi مهرداد یعقوبی


Room 1.15c, AGB,
King's Buildings,
Edinburgh, UK, EH9 3JL
Tel: +44 (0)131 6507454

I am a researcher in the field of sensor signal processing and big data inverse problems. I am currently a research fellow (Post Doc.) in the Institute for Digital Communications (IDCom), University of Edinburgh. My current research is funded by the EPSRC Grant, titled “Signal Processing for Networked Battlespace”. I was previously supported by the EPSRC platform garnt on “Sensor Signal Processing” and EU RC through the “Sparse Models, Algorithms, and Learning for Large-scale data”, SMALL, project.

I am mainly interested in the efficient optimisation algorithms and model based signal processing. Particularly, I am working on data and problem-adaptive inverse problem algorithms. I am also interested in the low computational algorithms for mobile platforms.

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For more information, please read my CV .

This page is my personal webpage. My formal webpage is here.

Last update: 6/11/2014.

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